Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Snow, snow and more snow.

I really miss running downtown during lunch – which I have not been able to do for a week + because of this white crap, and with about 13" in most spots and cold temps, it's probably going to last a while. Fortunately, the track around Lunken Airport is cleared off, so I did run 5 miles there on Saturday, but it was very cold and windy. Then Sunday, I glided through a mile swim in the YMCA's over-heated pool. Boy, is that relaxing. I think I almost fell asleep in the water.
Meanwhile, the girls have had the last two day off, one for Pres. Day and the other for snow, but I think they're eager to get back to it.

Monday, February 08, 2010

Beautiful Snow Run

On Saturday morning, I headed down to the Newtown-Loveland bike trail to enjoy the fresh snow. I was the only one out there when I started, and it was great!
We had about 3-4" total, though nothing compared to the east, which is still digging out of 2+ feet. But, on my Saturday run, I wasn't concerned about that. It was too nice.

The cool thing was, after my eight mile run, I only saw 4 other people, and about eight dogs, oh, and I felt great!